Monday, March 1, 2010

The Pacifier Wars

As you might imagine, Theo's homecoming has totally rocked Nate's world -- for good and bad. He loves to push him in the swing (too fast), rock him in his carrier (too hard), and help with changing diapers (throwing them on Theo's face). But the biggest source of controversy is the pacifier, just as I predicted (see Toddler Transition Time). We figured we'd wait until after he moved to the toddler bed and after Theo came home to help him give it up. Now, Theo has his own paci, which is a different color and texture than Nate's. But even if Nate has two of his own blue pacifiers, he still plucks Theo's right out of his mouth.

Theo already knows how to hold in his own paci.

Other things we've learned over the past week with 2 kids under 2:
  • We're going through diapers like crazy. I changed a total of 6 poopy diapers before 10am yesterday. 
  • Newborns poop A LOT. And pee themselves when being changed. 
  • Just when you get one baby to sleep -- and you think you might have time to squeeze a nap in -- the other wakes up. 
  • Nate is extremely sensitive when I'm nursing Theo. I don't know how he learned that it's a private thing, but he always pulls down my shirt to cover me up.

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