Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Last week, we packed up and flew to Fort Myers with two lap babies for the last time before Nate turns 2. We were lucky enough to get an extra seat for Nate for both flights -- but still, flying with a toddler is no fun at all. Nate loved seeing all of his Vogel relatives, especially his cousin Brody, who is just a little bit taller than Nate. The two were best friends all week, chasing each other, giggling, swimming and bonding over Baby Einstein and Elmo.

Chillin' out after a long day at the pool.

Discovering the chip and dip table at the party together = nasty diapers later.

Flashing lights and classical music: crack for babies (and toddlers who are way too old for this).

On Thursday, we rented a car so we could take the kids to the park and to the beach, which was very windy. It was tough dragging Theo around in his car seat while chasing Nate, who wants to get into EVERYTHING (including strangers' toys), but we still had fun. 

Nate and Dad at Fort Myers Beach

Exploring ... and about to steal that bucket.

Dad and Nate at the park.

Theo will be 6 weeks on Thursday, if you can believe it. From what I hear, a newborn's crying is supposed to peak at 6 weeks, so we're almost over the hump. :) He is growing every day and is smiling a lot now. He also seems to be fascinated with his big brother Nate -- at least until he pokes his eye or pulls his hair. Speaking of Theo's hair, it doesn't seem to be falling out like Nate's did and is beginning to have a personality of its own.

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