Theo and Nate both enjoyed having their Grandma and Grandpa Vogel come to visit over the weekend. Nate especially thought his Grandpa was super hilarious and loved that Grandma took him outside in the backyard every day to play fetch with Wylie. Theo still seems to be quite attached to his Mommy and can be fussy if someone else holds him, though he eventually warmed up to Grandma, especially when she rocked him. Theo appears to be a tad repulsed by his own father and tends to spit up on him every time he holds him. This might also be because Daddy is less gentle and likes to roughhouse 3-week-old babies. Theo's Great-Auntie Susie came up to visit from Charleston on Monday and he loved being held by her. She has the magic touch.
Grandpa Vogel and Theo
Nate and Grandpa Vogel at the park.
Theo had his 1-month checkup this morning, even though he's only 3 weeks old (something to do with insurance). So his stats are probably a little off of what he'll be at 1 month old next week. But he weighs 9 lbs and is 20 3/4 inches long -- both in the 25th percentile. I'm assuming that if his stats were taken on time, he'd be closer to 50%. But just to compare, Nate was 11lb, 2oz, and 22 inches at his 1-month appointment, which was on his actual 1-month birthday (see
Our Big Boy). Theo definitely seems to be less hungry than his big brother was, and Nate also had pumped milk from a bottle, which Theo hasn't had yet. Babies tend to eat more from a bottle than the breast, especially in the early months. So, we'll see if little Theo will catch up to Nate or if he'll end up a runt like his Mommy was. :)
Nate tries to give Theo some of his milk.
Little Mister Diva
Nate and Theo are getting along really well. Most of Nate's jealousy seems to have gone away and I'm less concerned about him actually hurting Theo. However, this morning Theo was in his swing and Nate likes to point at all his body parts (ears, nose, lips, etc.). When he pointed at Theo's eye, I told him, "No, that hurts Theo," but Nate doesn't like to hear the word "no." So he kept poking at Theo's eye, which of course made him cry. But these episodes are happening less and less lately. The cutest is when Nate comes in our room in the morning, he'll peek his head over the bassinet and say, "Hi" to Theo in his most adorable little E.T. voice. It makes getting up at 5:30am totally worth it.