The Daley family packed up the Mazda and headed down to Charleston for Thanksgiving week to share a condo with Joe and Rachel, who flew in from Minnesota. We stayed right on the Folly River, just a few blocks from downtown Folly Beach. It was rather chilly for Charleston -- about 60 degrees and overcast -- but Thanksgiving at Sue and Charlie's was perfect: sunny and 70+ degrees. Nate was battling a cold during the trip so he wasn't his usual spunky self, and blessed us by getting up at 5am, 4:30am, and 5am while we were there. But we were able to go to the beach a couple days to play in the sand. As you may know, Nate loves dirt, and sand feels a lot like dirt but is much less ... dirty, though Daddy wasn't so pleased when he saw the pile of sand in his new car. We also spent a lot of time at James Island County Park, which has a super awesome playground for little kids 2-5 and lots of walking trails. Of course, the highlight of the trip was Thanksgiving dinner at Sue and Charlie's house. Nate enjoyed some turkey and potatoes, but didn't care for the green beans. He gets that from his mama.
We also discovered a few weeks ago that Nate knows almost all the letters! He's been pointing at individual letters on boxes and on our shirts for a while now, and one day I just asked him, "Where's the O"? And he pointed right to it. I figured it was a fluke until I asked him where all the other letters on my shirt were -- and he got every single one right. Now he loves when we ask him to find letters and is so proud of himself. He also likes a few books we have where we ask him, "Where's the lion?" "Where's the baby?" "Where's the spoon?" and he can point to them.
In fetal baby news, our little buddy is moving around A LOT! I can't say that it's more than Nate, but it's at least the same. Last night, even Chuck could see my belly contorting all over the place. Right now, I'm 28 weeks along, which means the baby is about 2 1/4 lbs and 15 inches long.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
As for talking, Nate has quite a few words, but his pronunciation isn't very good. I'm pretty sure that Chuck and I are the only ones who know what he's saying. He seems most interested in animals sounds -- we'll say, "What does Wylie say?" and he'll make a panting noise (because Wylie doesn't bark). He'll make a "mrrreow" noise for a cat, "moo" or more like "brooo" for a cow, and "baaa" for a sheep. And he definitely knows his body parts. He can point to his head, hair, nose, teeth, tongue, chin, neck, ear, eye, fingers, hand, toes, knees and -- his favorite -- his belly.
I forgot to put Nate's 18 month stats on here last time. He's 28lb. and 33.5 inches tall, making him more than half my height and in the 80th percentile for both. Whenever I see him around other kids his age, I just feel like he's so tall. The kid is going to outgrow me by the time he's 8.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pumpkin' pickin' and Halloween
A couple weeks ago, the family headed out to Hodges Dairy Farm on the outskirts of Charlotte. Nate mostly wanted to run around all over the farm and play in the dirt. He got to see some pigs, goats and horses, but the highlight was finding the perfect pumpkin.

So strong -- he can almost pick up a pumpkin as big as he is!
Do you need Mommy to help you? No, so stubborn, he wants to do it himself!
Nate, where's your head? There it is!

And where's your belly? There it is!
Happiness is playing in the dirt.

Then, this past weekend was Halloween. Last year, Nate was a lobster, but this year he wanted to be something a little scarier -- a skeleton!
Here he is at the Baby BOO-nanza Spooktacular at his girlfriend Julia's house. He thought the skull hood was really annoying (and didn't want to scare any of the other babies at the party), so he kept it off. This is what happened when we put it on later that night:
Wow, Nate, that's really scary!

But once we let him outside to play in the rain, he thought it was pretty cool. Happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What happened to my baby Nate?
It seems like over the summer, Nate has really grown up. Even when I look at pictures from his 1st birthday, which doesn't seem that long ago, I realize how much he's changed. The little guy is a real comedian who loves to crack us up. Now that he's scaling the furniture -- just yesterday I found that he positioned the chair in order to climb onto the kitchen table -- we're starting to discipline him, something we're still getting used to. No matter how sternly Chuck says, "Nate, SIT!" Nate thinks it's just about the funniest thing he's ever heard ... and frankly, so do I. So all three of us just laugh and I wonder how this is going to work when he's a teenager.
We spent some time at the Harris YMCA, which has an awesome waterpark and pools. Nate was a little apprehensive about getting sprayed, but once he saw the other kids, he wanted to play too.
He also took swimming lessons a few months ago, and Daddy -- former lifeguard and swim team hunk -- has also been teaching him.

Hi, Mom!
Nate, how old are you? One! Also, thanks for helping me unpack.

Playing ball in a cardboard box. Why do we bother spending money on toys?
A black eye.
A few weeks ago, Nate tripped and hit his eye on the corner of a wooden chest. He cried really hard for about five minutes and then was perfectly fine. When I saw the blood oozing out of his eye, I freaked out a little. Now I know how my mom felt about Joe, who had stitches three times before he turned 3 and had his stomach pumped twice for eating Children's Tylenol and drinking rubbing alcohol. Most recently, Nate took a tumble off the jungle gym at the park and had a giant black-and-blue bump in the center of his forehead, which is now fading to green. He's a bruiser!
The other bruiser in our family is Wylie, who strained her ankle about six weeks ago during an amazing maneuver in mid-air while trying to catch a ball. She had to wear a splint for the past six weeks, but her foot got infected and they had to take it off. She's completely restricted for another six weeks, which means no walks, doggie play dates at the park, or even wandering the backyard. The good news is that Nate is keeping her great company, and we're spoiling her by occasionally letting her lounge on the couch.
We spent some time at the Harris YMCA, which has an awesome waterpark and pools. Nate was a little apprehensive about getting sprayed, but once he saw the other kids, he wanted to play too.

Hi, Mom!

Nate, how old are you? One! Also, thanks for helping me unpack.

Playing ball in a cardboard box. Why do we bother spending money on toys?

A black eye.

A few weeks ago, Nate tripped and hit his eye on the corner of a wooden chest. He cried really hard for about five minutes and then was perfectly fine. When I saw the blood oozing out of his eye, I freaked out a little. Now I know how my mom felt about Joe, who had stitches three times before he turned 3 and had his stomach pumped twice for eating Children's Tylenol and drinking rubbing alcohol. Most recently, Nate took a tumble off the jungle gym at the park and had a giant black-and-blue bump in the center of his forehead, which is now fading to green. He's a bruiser!
The other bruiser in our family is Wylie, who strained her ankle about six weeks ago during an amazing maneuver in mid-air while trying to catch a ball. She had to wear a splint for the past six weeks, but her foot got infected and they had to take it off. She's completely restricted for another six weeks, which means no walks, doggie play dates at the park, or even wandering the backyard. The good news is that Nate is keeping her great company, and we're spoiling her by occasionally letting her lounge on the couch.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Big brother Nate
So, we found out today that Nate is going to have a little brother! We told him the news and he didn't seem to care that much, but he has no idea how much it is going to change his world -- all for the better, of course! Hopefully they'll be the kind of brothers who play nicely together, not the kind who beat each other up. :)
In the past month, Nate's definitely started to talk more. I should clarify -- he's always talked a lot, but we've never been able to understand what he's saying. Now he says lots of words: mama, dada, yeah, good, diaper, baaa, meow, Wylie, and Yeats. When we say, "Nate, can you say XX?" he always tries to say the word. Sometimes it sounds similar and sometimes it doesn't, but he always tries. We also realize that he understands a lot more than he says. If you mention the words "eat" or "milk" -- even if I'm just saying it to Chuck, not to Nate -- he heads straight to the kitchen and starts hanging on his high chair. And one day we were in the kitchen and Chuck told me to put Nate's shoes on him and about 15 seconds later, Nate walks up with his shoes. I guess it's time to start watching what we say ...
Last weekend, Nate and Chuck had boys' weekend, as Mommy spent the weekend in Minnesota. Luckily for Chuck, who's never woken up with Nate before, Nate slept in until 7:15 both mornings. They had a terrific time playing at the park and visiting Camille, one of Nate's many girlfriends.
In the past month, Nate's definitely started to talk more. I should clarify -- he's always talked a lot, but we've never been able to understand what he's saying. Now he says lots of words: mama, dada, yeah, good, diaper, baaa, meow, Wylie, and Yeats. When we say, "Nate, can you say XX?" he always tries to say the word. Sometimes it sounds similar and sometimes it doesn't, but he always tries. We also realize that he understands a lot more than he says. If you mention the words "eat" or "milk" -- even if I'm just saying it to Chuck, not to Nate -- he heads straight to the kitchen and starts hanging on his high chair. And one day we were in the kitchen and Chuck told me to put Nate's shoes on him and about 15 seconds later, Nate walks up with his shoes. I guess it's time to start watching what we say ...
Last weekend, Nate and Chuck had boys' weekend, as Mommy spent the weekend in Minnesota. Luckily for Chuck, who's never woken up with Nate before, Nate slept in until 7:15 both mornings. They had a terrific time playing at the park and visiting Camille, one of Nate's many girlfriends.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Baby news
So you may have noticed that we haven't been posting as much lately. It's certainly not because Nate hasn't been achieving his milestones -- the kid has already mastered coloring (until he eats the crayons), scaling the couch and end tables, and singing "Elmo's Song." No, the reason no one has posted in the past month is because Mommy hasn't been feeling too well as she's been cooking up a new baby brother or sister for Nate!

If you didn't get it, this is the email Chuck sent out to our friends:
Subject: Wah, Wah!
That's right -- Chuck and Angie are looking forward to the wails of a newborn child when Baby Daley #2 is delivered around Feb 24th by some doctor (who looks vaguely like Steve Carell).
Angie is about 14 weeks along and we're definitely planning on finding out the sex, which will be in about a month. However, this time around we won't keep the name secret. For a boy, we're going with Carlos The Dwarf and if it's a girl, Skull Crusher.
Our families are very excited about the prospect of a second grandchild, but Nate has been silently protesting by pooping his pants on a regular basis. Still, we think he'll come around once he learns that a younger brother or sister can eventually be molded into a faithful minion, ready to do your mischievous bidding at a moment's
We'll keep you posted on Carlos The Dwarf / Skull Crusher's status! Also, we're accepting applications for an unpaid nanny internship. Either that, or someone can take over Beartrap PR. The hours are great (24/7) and it pays like, five dollars an hour.
Love, Chuck and Angie

If you didn't get it, this is the email Chuck sent out to our friends:
Subject: Wah, Wah!
That's right -- Chuck and Angie are looking forward to the wails of a newborn child when Baby Daley #2 is delivered around Feb 24th by some doctor (who looks vaguely like Steve Carell).
Angie is about 14 weeks along and we're definitely planning on finding out the sex, which will be in about a month. However, this time around we won't keep the name secret. For a boy, we're going with Carlos The Dwarf and if it's a girl, Skull Crusher.
Our families are very excited about the prospect of a second grandchild, but Nate has been silently protesting by pooping his pants on a regular basis. Still, we think he'll come around once he learns that a younger brother or sister can eventually be molded into a faithful minion, ready to do your mischievous bidding at a moment's
We'll keep you posted on Carlos The Dwarf / Skull Crusher's status! Also, we're accepting applications for an unpaid nanny internship. Either that, or someone can take over Beartrap PR. The hours are great (24/7) and it pays like, five dollars an hour.
Love, Chuck and Angie
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Vacation time
The family flew to Minnesota last week for Nate's fourth airplane trip. Luckily, his Baby Einstein DVD entertained him most of the time so he wasn't too squirmy. Still, it was the longest two hours of my life, including being in labor. We spent the first four days up at a cabin in northern Minnesota, near Brainerd. The resort was very nice with a sandy beach, kayaks, paddleboats and a long dock. It stayed shallow - less than three feet deep - for forever, which was great for Nate and his cousin Brody.

From when I was 3 years old until I was 21, my extended family went to a resort in that area until it was sold and eventually closed down. We actually visited the old site and it was surreal -- the cabins, docks and main lodge had all been removed as though they'd never been there.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nate has accomplished a lot in the past few weeks. He can say dada, mama (usually only when whining), diaper (di-ga), bat, duck and I'm pretty sure he's said Wylie (ya-ya) and Yeats (yay-ats). He also knows where his nose and mommy's nose is -- he points at it. Actually, he kind of sticks his finger up his own nose, but that still counts, right?
Nate also has been imitating lots of sounds lately -- everything from the cats' meowing to the beep of the car when we lock it to the squeak of the swing at the park. The best is that he started to imitate me singing "So Long, Farewell." I always sing that to him when I change his diaper to keep him still. He thinks it's hilarious when I sing, "Good-bye!" really high and dramatic, and now he does it too -- even before I start singing. What's really funny is that he pretty much hits the same note, but it should be no surprise that my son has perfect pitch. The kid is already a musical genius.
Nate also started swimming lessons at the YMCA this week. Even though Daddy insisted that he could teach his kid how to swim, we thought we needed some expert advice on how to teach a baby. He's been a little hesitant about the water, but he's getting better!
And perhaps the most significant milestone is that Nate ate his own poo this week. That's right. Apparently, his diaper shifted, its contents fell out, and as you know, anything interesting on the floor is bound to end up in Nate's mouth. Luckily, it happened during the day when mommy was at work, so daddy had to deal with it. Perhaps the only consolation is that he made a really disgusted face, so hopefully he learned his lesson. We vow to be more vigilant of diaper shifting from now on!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mmm ... pickles!

Mamma Daley came to visit Nate this week and spent a lot of time with him so Daddy could get some work done. She let him play in the dirt and with the hose, and though he ended up with a scraped elbow and dog poop on his foot, he thought she was a lot of fun! If he can explore things that are dirty and/or dangerous, he's happy.
Nate also got a chance to enjoy his first pickle at Jason's Deli. He made a lot of funny faces but he ate the whole thing - and probably would have eaten another if we let him.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Growing up
Sorry I haven't written in a while. We spent the first week of June in Minnesota, which means that Nate experienced his third plane trip. The first was at 2 months, the second at 8 months, and this one at 13 months. I must say, it's getting harder and harder each time. Thankfully, he had two parents to entertain him. Still, you can only read the same four books so many times, and we suspect that singing "So Long, Farewell" is probably annoying to the other passengers, but somehow we managed to get through both flights without losing our sanity. It was great to see all the family! Nate got to see his Uncle Joe get his hair cut into a mohawk, which he thought was super rad.

He also got to see his cousin Brody, who is still just about the same size as Nate, just a little taller. Do you see a resemblance?

Nate has also picked up some new tricks. Mommy's friend Megan taught Nate to shake his head, "no," so now when Mommy says, "Nate, can you give me a kiss? Yes?" he smirks and shakes his head no. He thinks it's hilarious. He's also starting to point at everything, and now he knows that when he holds his finger up, it means "one." One day last week, Chuck was brushing Wylie and Nate took the brush and started brushing too! Nate loved brushing Wylie, though Wylie may not have liked it so much.
Also, Nate's hair was getting little long in spots, so we decided to give him his first real haircut. We parked him in his high chair in front of his Baby Einstein video to keep him nice and still, and snipped away - including his little curly rat tail in the back. Now he looks like a cool dude again!

He also got to see his cousin Brody, who is still just about the same size as Nate, just a little taller. Do you see a resemblance?
Nate has also picked up some new tricks. Mommy's friend Megan taught Nate to shake his head, "no," so now when Mommy says, "Nate, can you give me a kiss? Yes?" he smirks and shakes his head no. He thinks it's hilarious. He's also starting to point at everything, and now he knows that when he holds his finger up, it means "one." One day last week, Chuck was brushing Wylie and Nate took the brush and started brushing too! Nate loved brushing Wylie, though Wylie may not have liked it so much.
Also, Nate's hair was getting little long in spots, so we decided to give him his first real haircut. We parked him in his high chair in front of his Baby Einstein video to keep him nice and still, and snipped away - including his little curly rat tail in the back. Now he looks like a cool dude again!

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Little dancer
You knew it was only a matter of time. The offspring of the winner of the 1990 St. Stan's Middle School dance contest and an indie-rock junkie was going to have an amazing sense of rhythm. So now that Nate is walking, it was no surprise to us that dancing wasn't far behind. Whether it's the music emanating from his fire truck or a jingle on a commercial, Nate will start bouncing up and down. Of course, his fave is the Michael Jackson "Off the Wall" vinyl Chuck got me for my birthday. And honestly, we haven't even tried to teach him to dance -- it's purely innate (in Nate, get it?).
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Walkin' and talkin'
Nate is finally starting to walk! We knew he's been strong enough to walk for months, but just too cautious and stubborn to try. Like his mama, he tends to get easily frustrated when he can't do something. So any time he would try to walk and stumble, he'd just give up because crawling is so much easier and faster. In the past week or so, he started taking one or two steps before falling into our arms. But this morning, he actually walked 6, 7, 8 steps at a time! I think he'll still prefer crawling for now, but he has great balance and I'm sure it won't be long before he's running all over the house!
And we're also starting hear actual words coming out of Nate's mouth. He's been babbling pretty much since he was born. Even before he turned a month old, he started "goo"ing for us, which eventually evolved into the sophisticated babbling we hear today. When he was about 9 months, he seemed to be using "Dada" in reference to Chuck, and a couple months later, I started to hear, "Mamamamamamamamama" only when he was whining (of course). Now he says "duck" and "ball" and I think he also says "yeah." We also know he's linguistically advanced because he enjoys reading the Norton Anthology of Literature:

Even though Chuck never blogs on this site, you have to check out his business website, where he talks about how he tries to "prep Nate for some serious nap time" by subjecting him to punk music.
And we're also starting hear actual words coming out of Nate's mouth. He's been babbling pretty much since he was born. Even before he turned a month old, he started "goo"ing for us, which eventually evolved into the sophisticated babbling we hear today. When he was about 9 months, he seemed to be using "Dada" in reference to Chuck, and a couple months later, I started to hear, "Mamamamamamamamama" only when he was whining (of course). Now he says "duck" and "ball" and I think he also says "yeah." We also know he's linguistically advanced because he enjoys reading the Norton Anthology of Literature:
Even though Chuck never blogs on this site, you have to check out his business website, where he talks about how he tries to "prep Nate for some serious nap time" by subjecting him to punk music.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The terrible 1s?

Whenever we take Nate anywhere, people always say what a HAPPY baby we have, how he must be so photogenic. He's almost always babbling, smiling, waving hi, etc. And it's true -- Nate is easy to entertain. Even if he's crying, we can make him laugh, by tickling him, singing songs, or giving him kisses.
But since his 1st birthday, I've started to notice some interesting behavior. Now, when he's frustrated with something, he'll arch his back and throw his head back, so much that he could smack his head on the floor if we didn't catch it. Luckily for him, we've always been there. And Chuck said he threw his pacifier across the room one day! I'm pretty sure he gets his stubbornness from Chuck. I can say that, because Chuck hasn't written a single blog since Nate was born and so he can't defend himself. Heh heh heh ...
I remember someone telling me when Nate was 3 months old, "Just so you know, the terrible 2s start when they're 1." Of course, 1 seemed so far off, I wasn't concerned - I was worrying about getting him to sleep through the night. But now I think she might be right. He's asserting his independence!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New games we like to play
Race to the toilet
When you hear aggressive crawling that sounds like slap-slap-slap-slap very fast, you can assume that Nate is trying to bust into the bathroom and get his hands in the toilet. It's such a fun game that Nate crawls even faster as you approach and laughs at the prospect of you trying to stop him.
Splishy-splash in the toilet
This is what happens if you lose Race to the toilet.
What happens if I put this food on the floor?
A little experiment that occurs when Nate is no longer hungry or interested in his food. Typically involves Cheerios or peas. Coincidentally, when put on the floor after eating, he will proceed to eat these same items off the floor.
Where's Nate?
Almost always played in the bathtub, Nate will pull the shower curtain in front of his face. You say, "Where's Nate? Where did he go? I miss him!" until he pulls the shower curtain away with a big, toothy grin, and you say, "There you are!" Note that this game never gets old and can go on forever.
You can't find me!
As Nate is driving his car around, you say, "You'll never find me!" and hide in some corner of the house. When he approaches, you jump out and say, "BLAAHHH!!!" really loud. Seriously, the louder the better. And then tickle him.
Scary chase
Also played while Nate is driving his car, you also need to drive your own car at top speed and scream like a crazy person at the top of your lungs. It helps when you spin around really fast like you're totally out of control. You'd think we're terrorizing him, but I've never heard a baby laugh so hard in my whole life.
Tickle zombie
Nate loves to pull on your pant leg until you pick him up. You think that he wants you, but no - he just wants your height. He'll point to something and you're supposed to walk there so he can pull it down and break it. So now when Chuck is holding Nate and he points at something, I'll point at him with one hand, then lift the other, and then come at him like a zombie. A tickle zombie. Again, it sounds like we're torturing him, but this is one of his favorites. For real!
When you hear aggressive crawling that sounds like slap-slap-slap-slap very fast, you can assume that Nate is trying to bust into the bathroom and get his hands in the toilet. It's such a fun game that Nate crawls even faster as you approach and laughs at the prospect of you trying to stop him.
Splishy-splash in the toilet
This is what happens if you lose Race to the toilet.
What happens if I put this food on the floor?
A little experiment that occurs when Nate is no longer hungry or interested in his food. Typically involves Cheerios or peas. Coincidentally, when put on the floor after eating, he will proceed to eat these same items off the floor.
Where's Nate?
Almost always played in the bathtub, Nate will pull the shower curtain in front of his face. You say, "Where's Nate? Where did he go? I miss him!" until he pulls the shower curtain away with a big, toothy grin, and you say, "There you are!" Note that this game never gets old and can go on forever.
You can't find me!
As Nate is driving his car around, you say, "You'll never find me!" and hide in some corner of the house. When he approaches, you jump out and say, "BLAAHHH!!!" really loud. Seriously, the louder the better. And then tickle him.
Scary chase
Also played while Nate is driving his car, you also need to drive your own car at top speed and scream like a crazy person at the top of your lungs. It helps when you spin around really fast like you're totally out of control. You'd think we're terrorizing him, but I've never heard a baby laugh so hard in my whole life.
Tickle zombie
Nate loves to pull on your pant leg until you pick him up. You think that he wants you, but no - he just wants your height. He'll point to something and you're supposed to walk there so he can pull it down and break it. So now when Chuck is holding Nate and he points at something, I'll point at him with one hand, then lift the other, and then come at him like a zombie. A tickle zombie. Again, it sounds like we're torturing him, but this is one of his favorites. For real!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
1 big day!
When you combine a baby's 1st birthday with his baptism, Easter Sunday, AND a visit from both sets of grandparents and a great-grandma ... it's a big day -- a big weekend, actually. The Vogels and Daleys hadn't seen Nate since Christmas, when he was 8 months, and he's changed a lot! Although he was crawling then, he's gotten much faster, and is now an expert cruiser/bruiser. Nate also had a little bit of separation anxiety this time around - he cried when Mamma Daley went in to get him from his nap, and when Grandpa Vogel surprised him in the kitchen - but once he got used to his grandparents, he was hamming it up like a little social butterfly.
We all got to spend a lot of time together, and Nate enjoyed being the star. He did a great job during the baptism and seemed fascinated by Father. He even smiled and waved at his Grampy, who was taking pictures from the altar. And when he poured water over his head, Nate squirmed a little bit, but didn't cry, even when he got some water in his eyes.
Nate took a LONG 2 1/2 hour nap after his baptism to prep for his big party. It was a good thing too, because he needed a lot of energy to play with all the toys he got as presents! Of course, Nate enjoyed his birthday cake - the first taste of real sugar and lard that he's had in his entire life - and he had a nice sugar buzz for the rest of the night.
And it's official -- Nate is completely weaned off of bottles and is 100% on whole milk in sippy cups. We made the transition right before his 1st birthday and he did great!
Grandma and Grandpa Vogel, please come back to visit again soon!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Almost 1!

Welcoming Nate one year ago.
Nate had his one-year pediatrician appointment today. He weighed in at 24lb. 9oz. (only gaining less than a pound since his nine-month appointment) and measured 30.5 inches long -- in the 75th percentile for both and still perfectly proportioned. His head is still measuring on the big side. I think it was 19.5 inches and in the 97th percentile, but the doctor said that's a good thing because it's starting to curve back to the normal range.
It's hard to believe that in just five more days, my little baby will be a year old! I know every mom says it, but they're right - the year just flew by. And when I look at Nate now, I don't see a baby anymore but a little boy with a big personality. :)
A year ago, it was my due date ... and I wasn't surprised to know that I was going to deliver late. My mom was two weeks late with me (her first), and I suspected that the same would happen for me. Luckily, I only went five days past my due date, but unluckily, my length of labor was about the same: 23 hours. A year ago, I was so apprehensive about childbirth and taking care of a newborn. Would I know when to feed him, how to calm him? Would I ever sleep? I felt so unprepared for motherhood, but when the time came, I was ready. It's amazing to think of how much can change in a year.
The grandparents are all coming in on Thursday to celebrate Nate's birthday weekend. Nate has no idea what is in store for him. So much attention!
Monday, March 16, 2009
The boy's got skills ...

A few things Nate has learned in the past few weeks:
* turn the lights on and off
* play the piano
* zip my jacket up and down
* open and close the bathtub drain
* feed Wylie a biscuit AND throw her a toy (instead of putting them in his mouth)
* point at things he wants
* drive his truck and bug all over the house
* play "You Can't Find Me!" (hide and seek) with mommy and daddy
* drink well from a sippy cup (he only takes his one nighttime bottle now)
* press the button to turn his train on and off
* push a ball back and forth with his mommy and daddy
* stacking rings on his little elephant ring-stacker pull-around car. Seriously, this is the song it plays: "Stack up the rings and you can make a friend, and pull him all around with you. He has ears so big and a trunk so long, oh please, oh please come and play!"
Monday, March 9, 2009
Nate's new favorite thing to do is stick out his tongue and say, "Blah!" He likes it even more than waving or giving us kisses -- probably because we reinforce it by laughing. But even when he's super cranky, all we have to do is go, "Blah!" and he smiles and sticks out his tongue for us.
After Nate's last pediatrician appointment (when he was sick), the doctor noticed that he wasn't using one of his arms very much. Babies shouldn't show a preference for being left- or right-handed until they're 2, so they were a little concerned. And of course, he was fine. It drives us a little nuts because we have no doubt that Nate is a perfectly healthy baby who's developing normally, but I suppose it's good that they are so cautious.
In other news, the Daley family sold its bachelor-friendly pickup truck in order to buy a family-friendly SUV. You might think we're sad that our truck is gone, but we actually sold it to our neighbor, Elizabeth, so we still get to see it every day! Nate was just so cramped in both of our cars, we had to make the change, and we were able to get a great deal on the new car.
Also, we attended a baptism preparation class over the weekend to get ready for Nate's baptism on April 12, his 1st birthday. We're excited for all the relatives to come and see how much Nate has changed in the past few months!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sick ... yuck!
It's amazing that Nate has managed to live 10 months with only one illness - a minor cold. Since he's not in daycare, he isn't exposed to many germs, and he's always been very healthy. However, last week we got a big wake-up call when Nate was spewing out of both ends. That's right. It started with puking that evolved into diarrhea, and a whole lot of misery in between.
But even though he felt so bad, Nate kept his sense of humor, sticking out his tongue and saying, "Blahhhh!" with a little smirk on his face. We took him to the doctor, who told us it was just a virus and to feed him B.R.A.T. - bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. We were a little concerned about him getting dehydrated, but since he only threw up twice, our doctor told us he should be OK.
On Thursday morning, I went to change his diaper, which felt like it had a lot of pee in it. But then this crystallized gel-like stuff fell out of his diaper. It was like tiny bits of clear Jello, and there was a lot of it. I had no idea what it was, but I knew it couldn't be good. I really thought there was something seriously wrong, that it must be worse than a virus. But luckily, it is relatively normal - just a symptom of dehydration. So we loaded him up on Pedialyte and haven't seen the crystallized pee since then. He's much better now and we're glad to have our happy baby back again!
But even though he felt so bad, Nate kept his sense of humor, sticking out his tongue and saying, "Blahhhh!" with a little smirk on his face. We took him to the doctor, who told us it was just a virus and to feed him B.R.A.T. - bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. We were a little concerned about him getting dehydrated, but since he only threw up twice, our doctor told us he should be OK.
On Thursday morning, I went to change his diaper, which felt like it had a lot of pee in it. But then this crystallized gel-like stuff fell out of his diaper. It was like tiny bits of clear Jello, and there was a lot of it. I had no idea what it was, but I knew it couldn't be good. I really thought there was something seriously wrong, that it must be worse than a virus. But luckily, it is relatively normal - just a symptom of dehydration. So we loaded him up on Pedialyte and haven't seen the crystallized pee since then. He's much better now and we're glad to have our happy baby back again!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

OK, OK. So I've heard plenty of complaints about how the blog hasn't been updated in a month, blah, blah, blah. We didn't realize we had so many fans!
So, Nate has become an expert cruiser, going from standing to squatting to sitting and back up again with no problem -- usually one-handed. We've noticed that if he's tired, however, he tends to lose his balance and may end up bonking his head on the floor. We've seen him stand on his own for just a second, but it's entirely accidental, and now that he's so fast at crawling, he seems reluctant to try walking. But we know that a lot can change in a month, and we think he will be walking by his 1st birthday if he wants to. He's also been quite the babbler with a vocabulary all his own. He says "dad" a lot, and we've also heard "mama mama mama" endless times over too but we're not sure if he really knows that it means anything. One thing is for sure, though: he can understand us. He knows who Wylie, Yeats, and Truman are, and he definitely knows what his ba-ba is. About a month ago, he started waving hi and bye, and this week started giving us high-fives.

We decided to take Nate in for an ultrasound of his head, since it's been so large (>97th percentile). It was just precautionary. Because babies' soft spots close generally between 12-18 months, we could do an ultrasound, but after the soft spot closes, we would have to do a CAT scan, which involves radiation. So we decided to just get the ultrasound so we could put our minds at ease and not have to discuss this every time we go into the pediatrician's office. But, surprise, surprise, Nate's soft spot already closed and the techs couldn't see anything. It was frustrating, but they did tell us that the tiny bit they could see looked perfectly fine and that we shouldn't be concerned about his head size at the 97th percentile when his body is in the 90-95th percentile. We'll just continue to monitor him and see how he measures at his next appointment in April.
It's hard to believe he'll be 10 months old this week -- and his 1st birthday is right around the corner. Coincidentally, Nate's birthday will be on Easter Sunday this year, and since both sets of grandparents will be down to celebrate, we've decided to also have him baptized that weekend and we've asked Mary and Adam to be his godparents. It will be an exciting weekend!
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