Welcoming Nate one year ago.
Nate had his one-year pediatrician appointment today. He weighed in at 24lb. 9oz. (only gaining less than a pound since his nine-month appointment) and measured 30.5 inches long -- in the 75th percentile for both and still perfectly proportioned. His head is still measuring on the big side. I think it was 19.5 inches and in the 97th percentile, but the doctor said that's a good thing because it's starting to curve back to the normal range.
It's hard to believe that in just five more days, my little baby will be a year old! I know every mom says it, but they're right - the year just flew by. And when I look at Nate now, I don't see a baby anymore but a little boy with a big personality. :)
A year ago, it was my due date ... and I wasn't surprised to know that I was going to deliver late. My mom was two weeks late with me (her first), and I suspected that the same would happen for me. Luckily, I only went five days past my due date, but unluckily, my length of labor was about the same: 23 hours. A year ago, I was so apprehensive about childbirth and taking care of a newborn. Would I know when to feed him, how to calm him? Would I ever sleep? I felt so unprepared for motherhood, but when the time came, I was ready. It's amazing to think of how much can change in a year.
The grandparents are all coming in on Thursday to celebrate Nate's birthday weekend. Nate has no idea what is in store for him. So much attention!
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