He also got to see his cousin Brody, who is still just about the same size as Nate, just a little taller. Do you see a resemblance?
Nate has also picked up some new tricks. Mommy's friend Megan taught Nate to shake his head, "no," so now when Mommy says, "Nate, can you give me a kiss? Yes?" he smirks and shakes his head no. He thinks it's hilarious. He's also starting to point at everything, and now he knows that when he holds his finger up, it means "one." One day last week, Chuck was brushing Wylie and Nate took the brush and started brushing too! Nate loved brushing Wylie, though Wylie may not have liked it so much.
Also, Nate's hair was getting little long in spots, so we decided to give him his first real haircut. We parked him in his high chair in front of his Baby Einstein video to keep him nice and still, and snipped away - including his little curly rat tail in the back. Now he looks like a cool dude again!

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