Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My, my, my

Like lots of little boys, Nate has been slow to start talking, preferring instead to run around or examine/destroy things. He's always been a babbler, but his pronunciation was terrible and we could never understand what he was saying. In the past month, though, he's had a language explosion. It seems like he's picking up a few new words every day and now we can actually understand what he's saying! The newest word that is being used A LOT is "my." I suppose this comes from no longer being the only child and the need to constantly clarify what is HIS. So it's "my paci," "my Mommy," even "my baby." I find that cute, though, that he takes pride in having HIS own baby brother.

We've had a few rough nights lately, with Theo being reluctant to go back to sleep after getting up. Chuck and I have been trying to tag team so I can get a little sleep (it's been a months since I've had a stretch of sleep longer than four hours), but it's leaving both of us exhausted. Overall, he's been pretty good -- when he finally gets to sleep, he'll sleep for 3-4 hours.

It's hard to believe that in just two days, our little baby Theo will be a month old already. February is a short month, but still. Where did the time go? He's been smiling a lot while sleeping pretty much since birth, but just yesterday I caught him smiling while completely awake. We weren't making eye contact -- he was looking at something behind my head (I'm thinking the purple couch, which fascinated Nate too) -- so I can't consider it a *real* smile, but we're getting close!

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