Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Last week, we packed up and flew to Fort Myers with two lap babies for the last time before Nate turns 2. We were lucky enough to get an extra seat for Nate for both flights -- but still, flying with a toddler is no fun at all. Nate loved seeing all of his Vogel relatives, especially his cousin Brody, who is just a little bit taller than Nate. The two were best friends all week, chasing each other, giggling, swimming and bonding over Baby Einstein and Elmo.

Chillin' out after a long day at the pool.

Discovering the chip and dip table at the party together = nasty diapers later.

Flashing lights and classical music: crack for babies (and toddlers who are way too old for this).

On Thursday, we rented a car so we could take the kids to the park and to the beach, which was very windy. It was tough dragging Theo around in his car seat while chasing Nate, who wants to get into EVERYTHING (including strangers' toys), but we still had fun. 

Nate and Dad at Fort Myers Beach

Exploring ... and about to steal that bucket.

Dad and Nate at the park.

Theo will be 6 weeks on Thursday, if you can believe it. From what I hear, a newborn's crying is supposed to peak at 6 weeks, so we're almost over the hump. :) He is growing every day and is smiling a lot now. He also seems to be fascinated with his big brother Nate -- at least until he pokes his eye or pulls his hair. Speaking of Theo's hair, it doesn't seem to be falling out like Nate's did and is beginning to have a personality of its own.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My, my, my

Like lots of little boys, Nate has been slow to start talking, preferring instead to run around or examine/destroy things. He's always been a babbler, but his pronunciation was terrible and we could never understand what he was saying. In the past month, though, he's had a language explosion. It seems like he's picking up a few new words every day and now we can actually understand what he's saying! The newest word that is being used A LOT is "my." I suppose this comes from no longer being the only child and the need to constantly clarify what is HIS. So it's "my paci," "my Mommy," even "my baby." I find that cute, though, that he takes pride in having HIS own baby brother.

We've had a few rough nights lately, with Theo being reluctant to go back to sleep after getting up. Chuck and I have been trying to tag team so I can get a little sleep (it's been a months since I've had a stretch of sleep longer than four hours), but it's leaving both of us exhausted. Overall, he's been pretty good -- when he finally gets to sleep, he'll sleep for 3-4 hours.

It's hard to believe that in just two days, our little baby Theo will be a month old already. February is a short month, but still. Where did the time go? He's been smiling a lot while sleeping pretty much since birth, but just yesterday I caught him smiling while completely awake. We weren't making eye contact -- he was looking at something behind my head (I'm thinking the purple couch, which fascinated Nate too) -- so I can't consider it a *real* smile, but we're getting close!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Theo and Nate both enjoyed having their Grandma and Grandpa Vogel come to visit over the weekend. Nate especially thought his Grandpa was super hilarious and loved that Grandma took him outside in the backyard every day to play fetch with Wylie. Theo still seems to be quite attached to his Mommy and can be fussy if someone else holds him, though he eventually warmed up to Grandma, especially when she rocked him. Theo appears to be a tad repulsed by his own father and tends to spit up on him every time he holds him. This might also be because Daddy is less gentle and likes to roughhouse 3-week-old babies. Theo's Great-Auntie Susie came up to visit from Charleston on Monday and he loved being held by her. She has the magic touch.

 Grandpa Vogel and Theo

 Nate and Grandpa Vogel at the park.

Theo had his 1-month checkup this morning, even though he's only 3 weeks old (something to do with insurance). So his stats are probably a little off of what he'll be at 1 month old next week. But he weighs 9 lbs and is 20 3/4 inches long -- both in the 25th percentile. I'm assuming that if his stats were taken on time, he'd be closer to 50%. But just to compare, Nate was 11lb, 2oz, and 22 inches at his 1-month appointment, which was on his actual 1-month birthday (see Our Big Boy). Theo definitely seems to be less hungry than his big brother was, and Nate also had pumped milk from a bottle, which Theo hasn't had yet. Babies tend to eat more from a bottle than the breast, especially in the early months. So, we'll see if little Theo will catch up to Nate or if he'll end up a runt like his Mommy was. :)

 Nate tries to give Theo some of his milk. 

Little Mister Diva

Nate and Theo are getting along really well. Most of Nate's jealousy seems to have gone away and I'm less concerned about him actually hurting Theo. However, this morning Theo was in his swing and Nate likes to point at all his body parts (ears, nose, lips, etc.). When he pointed at Theo's eye, I told him, "No, that hurts Theo," but Nate doesn't like to hear the word "no." So he kept poking at Theo's eye, which of course made him cry. But these episodes are happening less and less lately. The cutest is when Nate comes in our room in the morning, he'll peek his head over the bassinet and say, "Hi" to Theo in his most adorable little E.T. voice. It makes getting up at 5:30am totally worth it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Pacifier Wars

As you might imagine, Theo's homecoming has totally rocked Nate's world -- for good and bad. He loves to push him in the swing (too fast), rock him in his carrier (too hard), and help with changing diapers (throwing them on Theo's face). But the biggest source of controversy is the pacifier, just as I predicted (see Toddler Transition Time). We figured we'd wait until after he moved to the toddler bed and after Theo came home to help him give it up. Now, Theo has his own paci, which is a different color and texture than Nate's. But even if Nate has two of his own blue pacifiers, he still plucks Theo's right out of his mouth.

Theo already knows how to hold in his own paci.

Other things we've learned over the past week with 2 kids under 2:
  • We're going through diapers like crazy. I changed a total of 6 poopy diapers before 10am yesterday. 
  • Newborns poop A LOT. And pee themselves when being changed. 
  • Just when you get one baby to sleep -- and you think you might have time to squeeze a nap in -- the other wakes up. 
  • Nate is extremely sensitive when I'm nursing Theo. I don't know how he learned that it's a private thing, but he always pulls down my shirt to cover me up.