Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last weekend, we were supposed to finish Nate's room so he could make the big transition to his toddler bed. But that didn't happen. I woke up on Saturday feeling kind of lazy and enjoyed my first (and probably only) prenatal massage, which was a wonderful Christmas present from Chuck. We had dinner that evening and I started feeling uncomfortable so I took a long bath. I figured it was just pregnancy-related, but later that night started throwing up. It's been a long time since I've had a stomach virus -- at least since college. It was so bad, I broke capillaries all over my face and didn't go to bed until 5am. Chuck let me catch up on sleep most of the day on Sunday and other than crackers and Gatorade, I couldn't stand to eat anything. Then Sunday night, Chuck got sick and Monday morning, Nate got sick. Poor little buddy. It was a miserable weekend and needless to say, nothing got done. Luckily, it seems to be a 24-hour bug and we all kicked it by Tuesday. This weekend is a three-day weekend (thanks, MLK), so we're going to try to finish Nate's room by Monday.

I had my 34-week appointment this morning and everything still looks good. My weight gain is on track and my blood pressure is low. The baby is measuring well and she thinks he's in the head-down position, though obviously it doesn't really matter if I'm having another C-section. Five weeks from today!

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