Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring adventures

For my birthday, we went to the River Jam at the U.S. National Whitewater Center, enjoyed dinner (especially fried pickles), and then headed down by the water to walk around. A bluegrass band was playing and Nate and Theo started dancing in front of the crowd of a few hundred people.

Nate has been reading and writing constantly lately. We'll find things he's written all over the house, like this:

As you can see, he didn't draw his own strawberry picture as instructed. Instead, he wrote about what he loves, in order (starting at the bottom): I love ABC and I love Mommaay and I love Dadey, The End. No mention of Theo. :( But I know he loves him because they hug every morning when they see each other.

Nate had his 4-year-old pediatrician appointment and he is back to being huge. The past couple appointments, he's been in the 80th percentile, but this time he measured in the 94th percentile for height and 97th percentile for weight. The doctor said that when he grows up he'll be bigger than Daddy and probably bigger than Mommy within just a few years. :) The kid eats all the time and he's growing fast! He just graduated from the "Pike" (beginner) swimming lessons and will start taking "Eel" lessons starting in a few weeks. His teacher said that after this next session, he'll be swimming on his own, just in time for our summer trips!

Theo is our little drama king. He loves to dance and sing, and he also has mastered the performance art of throwing a fit. Such is the life of a 2-year-old. He is obsessed with Heidi Songs even though Nate tells him that "Heidi stinks!" Theo is a bit of a daredevil (just like Nate was at his age) and it seems like he always has scraped knees. One day, he fell out of the trampoline and was gushing blood out of his nose. Luckily, nothing was broken or cut -- he just fell on his face and had a bloody nose. Yikes. I was sure we were headed to the ER. I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Here are a few other pictures from this spring:

Welcome to the Nate Daley Gallery Crawl, featuring such works as "Letter Jungle," "Number Jungle," "The Beginning of the Alphabet" and "Silly Letters." 

Theo wows the crowd at Discovery Place by almost beating a teenage kid at tug of war (not really, but only because he was on the "harder" side). 

I just love this photo of the boys from a few months ago, when we went for a hike at Latta Plantation Nature Preserve.

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