So, as you may have noticed, the Daley family has been VERY busy jet-setting across the country (OK, just Minnesota) to celebrate our first Christmas as a three-some. Although Nate was much squirmier on this plane ride than he was when he was two months, we managed to keep him entertained with toys, singing, making funny faces, the Baby Mozart video and -- as a last resort -- stuffing his face with Graduate Puffs, his favorite food. I was stuck with the unfortunate duty of changing Nate's poopy diaper in the airplane bathroom ... something I hope to never experience again.
Nate had a blast in Minnesota, in spite of the cold weather. We even took him sledding outside and although his face was frozen (literally) into a blank stare, we think he enjoyed every minute of it. He made out like a bandit with all the new toys, but the most fun was all the attention! Nate loved being rocked and snuggled by his Grandma, and he thought Grandpa was the funniest man in the world (besides his daddy, of course). But his favorite of all was his 22-month-old cousin Brody, who was so cool that he didn't even mind that he kept plucking the pacifier out of Nate's mouth. Grandma even bought them matching outfits and everyone said they look like brothers.
After spending eight days in Minnesota, it was time to fly back to Charlotte for the Daley family Christmas over New Year's. We all stayed over at Auntie Mary's house on New Year's Eve, but after all the day's traveling, Nate and Mommy couldn't hang and didn't even make it until midnight. Times have certainly changed. Nate loved having more attention from his Mamma and Grampy Daley, who gave him the opportunity to expand his culinary acumen by giving him tastes of molasses cookies, pickles, and soft garlic cheeses.
Now, we're getting back to the daily grind (ha!) and Nate has become a master crawler and cruiser. Some of his favorite targets: the dog dish, toilet, power cords, the Roomba, and pretty much any other dangerous object in the house. He'll be 9 months old on Monday. Our little baby is growing up!
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