Sunday, July 18, 2010

Theo's Four-Month Photos

These were taken last month -- Theo actually turns 5 months today! He is rolling over, sitting up pretty well, and passing his toys back and forth between his hands. We're thinking about starting him on solids sometime before he turns 6 months (Nate started at 4 months, but that's because he was always ravenous). Until then, we'll enjoy his relatively sweet-smelling diapers. :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Mommy or Daddy?

Before I had Nate, I wondered if he would prefer Chuck because he stays home. Would he resent me for leaving him every day to go to work? Would Chuck be the one he would run to when he skinned his knee or needed to snuggle before bed? Well, no. Nate knows very well the difference between Mommy and Daddy. And now that he can talk so much, he likes to express his preference.

When we take Nate outside, he almost always runs straight to his swing and says, "Swing! Swing! Swing!" But when Mommy tries to put him in his swing, he says, "Dada!" If Mommy continues to act like she's going to swing him, he starts whining, "Dada! Dada! Dada!" Why? Because when Daddy pushes him, he goes so high that he catches some air and is within inches of wrapping himself around the tree branch. Even when Mommy pushes her hardest, she physically can't make the swing into a dangerous carnival ride. So Daddy wins.

But in the evenings when he's winding down for bed, Nate will bring his books into the living room and bring them directly to me. Sometimes I'm nursing or otherwise occupied. I'll say, "Daddy can read you that book." Daddy tries, but he just doesn't have Mommy's talent for vocal inflection or animated storytelling. So Nate always insists on having Mommy read him his bedtime stories. Mommy wins.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Flying solo with a 4-month-old

Last weekend, Theo and I flew together without Chuck and Nate. I knew it would be tough hauling our gear through the airport and having no other set of hands to take the baby when a). I go through security or b). I have to go to the bathroom. But we managed the parking, the shuttle, the security, the boarding, and the nearly 3-hour flight just fine. The hardest part was the pure boredom -- for both of us. There is only so much you can do to entertain a 4-month-old and I had to squint my eyes to read a fellow passenger's Wall Street Journal as a way to pass the time.

We had a great time at the Team Vogel vs. Cancer Benefit and Theo was a trooper, staying there from 7am-6pm, enduring a 1-mile walk in the Baby Bjorn (thanks, Goldbergs), being passed around among many relatives, and napping in his car seat.

Aunt Sue, Angie, Theo and Nisa just before the race.

The ladies (and gentleman) of the bake sale.

Theo's godfather, Joe, loves to make babies laugh!

I forgot how delightful 4-month-old babies can be. Theo is so happy all the time (when he isn't super hungry or tired, of course) and is so easy to entertain. We started putting him in his exersaucer a few weeks ago and he loves to jump and play with all the toys. He also rolled over from back to front, can sit up by himself for almost a minute, and is bearing weight on his legs (standing up when we hold his hands). He giggles too! It's the cutest sound, usually really low and breath-y and when he really gets going, he'll even squeal. And he ADORES his big brother Nate. He'll watch Nate and smile with his mouth wide open and giggle at him -- especially when Nate jumps on the bed (his favorite new activity). Nate really loves Theo too, giving him kisses, hugging him, and trying to carry him. He never seems to be jealous of him either. Maybe they're all this way when they're babies, but I really think that Nate and Theo are going to be the best of friends. :)