Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vacation time

The family flew to Minnesota last week for Nate's fourth airplane trip. Luckily, his Baby Einstein DVD entertained him most of the time so he wasn't too squirmy. Still, it was the longest two hours of my life, including being in labor. We spent the first four days up at a cabin in northern Minnesota, near Brainerd. The resort was very nice with a sandy beach, kayaks, paddleboats and a long dock. It stayed shallow - less than three feet deep - for forever, which was great for Nate and his cousin Brody.

Nate discovers the joy of sand.

He examines it with a scientific eye.

And, he eats it.

Gearing up for his first boat ride.

Grandpa Vogel doesn't mean to give Nate the finger - that's just how he tickles.

If you put Nate in a swing, be prepared to push him for a very long time. He doesn't ever want to leave!

Daddy pushes Nate around in his little boat. So much fun!

Our future soccer star - seriously, the kid can already dribble.

From when I was 3 years old until I was 21, my extended family went to a resort in that area until it was sold and eventually closed down. We actually visited the old site and it was surreal -- the cabins, docks and main lodge had all been removed as though they'd never been there.

Hiking through the former resort, right where our cabin used to be.

The beach, almost entirely worn away.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Dad and Nate chillaxin' on the couch.

Dirty Nate taking his bath after a long day of playing outside. Note the dead grass on the tile, the mosquito bites on his head, and the mark on his face from falling down. All in a day's work!

Nate has accomplished a lot in the past few weeks. He can say dada, mama (usually only when whining), diaper (di-ga), bat, duck and I'm pretty sure he's said Wylie (ya-ya) and Yeats (yay-ats). He also knows where his nose and mommy's nose is -- he points at it. Actually, he kind of sticks his finger up his own nose, but that still counts, right?

Nate also has been imitating lots of sounds lately -- everything from the cats' meowing to the beep of the car when we lock it to the squeak of the swing at the park. The best is that he started to imitate me singing "So Long, Farewell." I always sing that to him when I change his diaper to keep him still. He thinks it's hilarious when I sing, "Good-bye!" really high and dramatic, and now he does it too -- even before I start singing. What's really funny is that he pretty much hits the same note, but it should be no surprise that my son has perfect pitch. The kid is already a musical genius.

Nate also started swimming lessons at the YMCA this week. Even though Daddy insisted that he could teach his kid how to swim, we thought we needed some expert advice on how to teach a baby. He's been a little hesitant about the water, but he's getting better!

And perhaps the most significant milestone is that Nate ate his own poo this week. That's right. Apparently, his diaper shifted, its contents fell out, and as you know, anything interesting on the floor is bound to end up in Nate's mouth. Luckily, it happened during the day when mommy was at work, so daddy had to deal with it. Perhaps the only consolation is that he made a really disgusted face, so hopefully he learned his lesson. We vow to be more vigilant of diaper shifting from now on!