A few things Nate has learned in the past few weeks:
* turn the lights on and off
* play the piano
* zip my jacket up and down
* open and close the bathtub drain
* feed Wylie a biscuit AND throw her a toy (instead of putting them in his mouth)
* point at things he wants
* drive his truck and bug all over the house
* play "You Can't Find Me!" (hide and seek) with mommy and daddy
* drink well from a sippy cup (he only takes his one nighttime bottle now)
* press the button to turn his train on and off
* push a ball back and forth with his mommy and daddy
* stacking rings on his little elephant ring-stacker pull-around car. Seriously, this is the song it plays: "Stack up the rings and you can make a friend, and pull him all around with you. He has ears so big and a trunk so long, oh please, oh please come and play!"