Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pacifier tricks

Nate had his six-month pediatrician appointment this week and weighed in at 21 lbs. and is 27.5 inches long -- still in the 90-95th percentile and perfectly healthy. He also had his opthamologist appointment today and the doctor said that the spot on Nate's iris is completely harmless. In fact, it's genetic -- Mamma and Chuck also have a spot on their irises (which was news to Chuck). I think it'll just contribute to Nate's bad-ass look.

Last weekend, Nate spent the night at his Auntie Mary and Uncle Adam's house so we could co-host a baby shower. We were a little nervous that he might keep them up all night, but he was totally on schedule and had a great time. I thought I would really love having a night I could sleep through for the first time in more than six months -- and I definitely enjoyed sleeping in -- but we really missed our baby and were happy to have him home.

Monday, October 13, 2008

We have a tooth!

FINALLY, after three months of fist-gnawing and pools of drool, a tooth popped through Nate's lower gums. I don't know how long it will take to fully come in (please not another three months!) but it's nice to see some progress after months of pain and crankiness. You can barely see it, but you can definitely feel it -- like a razor when he chomps down on your finger. I'm hoping it will come in time to compliment his Halloween costume -- a lobster!

Mamma and Grampy Daley came to visit last weekend and Nate got lots of attention. He showed them how he can sit up by himself, eat yummy vegetables, and creep a little bit.