Nate had his six-month pediatrician appointment this week and weighed in at 21 lbs. and is 27.5 inches long -- still in the 90-95th percentile and perfectly healthy. He also had his opthamologist appointment today and the doctor said that the spot on Nate's iris is completely harmless. In fact, it's genetic -- Mamma and Chuck also have a spot on their irises (which was news to Chuck). I think it'll just contribute to Nate's bad-ass look.
Last weekend, Nate spent the night at his Auntie Mary and Uncle Adam's house so we could co-host a baby shower. We were a little nervous that he might keep them up all night, but he was totally on schedule and had a great time. I thought I would really love having a night I could sleep through for the first time in more than six months -- and I definitely enjoyed sleeping in -- but we really missed our baby and were happy to have him home.